Friday, November 16, 2012

WWI - German U Boat

Click on the link below to watch an eyewitness account of an actual German U-boat sink an Italian ship in 1917 during WWI.

Watch this clip of an actual U-boat attack.  How do you feel after watching this?  Why?  Why were the use of u-boats a great war tactic during WWI?  Why were they effective?


  1. I feel that that was uncalled for and rude cause no one deserves to be treated unfair.-ZAC LESTER

  2. i think that after watching this, it was pretty sad that one of our U.S. ships got sunk because of Germany.(we actually had more than one ship sunk, but just read on) they even told us that they would not do it again, but they did. that is also how we got involved in WW1. we didn't want to get involved though.

    -Gabriella Saavedra :) P.S. first comment!!! yay!

  3. I am proud of you Gabriella. I can tell that you are really thinking! Great job girl!!

    1. thank you Mrs.Moreland. i love to learn about history so when i watched the video, i really payed attention.

      -Gabriella Saavedra :)

  4. i was about to post a comment bust my computer died on me (WHY!?!) so now i'm using my granpa's computer.anyway, i think it was wrong of germany to go and blow up a surrendered ship. even if it is germany's enemy. i feel bad for Italy ans it's soldiers.

    P.S. total fatality, germany. nice goin'
    Anelise Cousins

  5. i wish that germany didnt sink the lusitiania.america didnt want to get into the war but they killed americans so that forced us to join the ww1

    -brenden hathcock ;)

  6. Germany used their U-boats for all of their enemies. The ship in the video is an Italian ship, and could you imagine how scary it was for the people in the ship that sunk? What do you think the US was thinking when they saw this?

    1. i bet it was very scary to have your ship sunk and know that they could possibly die. the U.S. was probably thinking that they didn't want to get involved in WW1 but they knew they had to because they wanted Germany to pay for how much money that they sunk (both of the sinkings). Germany lost the war and they had to pay for the damage. they were not happy for that and were very mad at us and didn't forgive us until many years later.

      -Gabriella Saavedra :)

    2. I bet they were really ticked off. Samuel Joseph Bennett. o3o

  7. By the way, I am VERY proud of you guys for commenting. You impress me all the time!!

  8. Its was very uncalled for, and also if U-boats didn`t blow up the Lusitania would there still be a WWI? Thats my question for the week.. any answers comment on my comment. -Brandon Portalatin

    1. i dont think there would, because WW1 was way back in 1917. the war would be going on for 95 years. that is almost 100 years!!

      -Gabriella Saavedra :)

  9. I that the attack was in 1916. i also saw that we had more than one ship sunk.They first said that they would not sink any more but they did. Alot of people died..

    ~Ivy Couch:)

    1. i agrew with ivy. they sunk more than one ship sunging kenya rhodes;)

  10. I felt sad but they did it because they thought they were giving suppliz to other people in the war. I think a U- boat is like a submarine and they were good for sneeking up on people/ ships. But the only reason we joned WW1 is because Germany sunk one of our ships.

    -[Khristian Williams:]

    1. yeah,I felt that way,too.(: Samuel Joseph Bennett o3o

  11. i was sad for the people dieing and if the german U-boats did not kill USA people then the USA would not be in WW1.

  12. The boat sank quite quickly.I still can't believe the Germans were so heartless.Although,he was just doing his job,the captain could of thought that the ship was not meant for war and he knew it.):<

  13. I think it is unfair because what did the people ever do to them. Peyton Mapp

  14. I know that there was alot of panic and sadness.But we were giving supplies to an enemy country of Germany , Great Britain.I don't blame Germnay because they gave a warning and war is war , you have to fight.It was a great tatic because the people on the ships didn't know that they were there.we only joined the war because Germany sank one of our ships.

  15. sad becuase they killed lots people .they could be good by not leting people from geting supplys. that meanit makes abig boom. from michael

  16. i felt sad that everyoe lost their lives . they sould read or hear if there was something out there

  17. The reason I diddnt choose this point of view is that I diddnt want to have to sink a ship and I would have to have guilt in me for sinking the Lusitania

    But any othert thing would be OK

    TrEVor JAmeS

  18. I feel sad because inasant people were on a cruise ship when a German u-boat sank the Lusitania.The u-boats were a great war tactic because they went under the water where nobody can see them.The u-boat went under the water where nobody can see them and the German u-boats sank ships under the water.

    ~Trinity Wells~
